Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Made in America

I have to vent about something.

Recently someone very close to me who I care for a great deal was shocked about the prices I charge for the things I build. The comment made to me was not shocking because of the person that said it, but more about our Walmart washed mentality on how and where to buy.

Maybe it’s just me but something that is hand made by an American in America should have some value. There are so many complaints about things that are made overseas or even jobs that leave American soil, well this is why. Who cares that I make something unique and there is no exact match in the world…China could make it for $.40 and Walmart could sell it for $8.88….

Here’s the thing. If I build something and someone buys it my business continues. If my business flourishes my family gets to eat. What a great opportunity to have something unique and support a small American business. Instead people would rather buy cheap and get a product they will have to replace because it was made poorly and may or may not contain lead. The money spent goes to some corporate giant and the trickling down effect puts a few cents in the pocket of some factory worker that hates their job because they work in a factory.

I’m not saying you have to buy my products but I do think there is something to be said about things that are made in the good ol’ USA.

Enough said.

Sorry for venting.

1 comment:

tina nealis said...

hi, i'm tina. i found your blog link through hissyfits. i will be a vendor there also!

i couldn't help but start reading your blog. i agree with you completely on this entry. my husband are big local business supporters. i absolutely LOVE your pull toys and i'm so proud to see local art rising in phoenix.

anyway, i had to comment. don't let other people let you down. if it even means anything, your items are extremely well-priced...almost too well-priced. there are plenty of boutiques that carry baby items that are mass produced for more than what you charge.

hope to see you at the fair so i can pick up one of these adorable toys for my baby boy.