Saturday, September 27, 2008

Being a Man Crafter

Ok perhaps I am making too much of this but I was at Michael’s (craft store) the other day with my wife and there was a fantastic sale. A lover of sales I decided to take part in the saving opportunity and shopped for things that make crafting easier. All was normal, we were enjoying the hunt of the good deals until it was time to pay. My wife for some reason thought it was important to let the girl ringing up our wonderful bargains know that, “all of this stuff is his.” She chuckled and said something about how she never would have guessed that.

So, here’s the thing, my manhood felt in question at that very moment. I suddenly realized I was a bona fide man crafter and I would forever feel weird walking into Michael’s even though I’ve been there hundreds of times before.

The question: does being a man crafter make me more of a man because I can enjoy a female dominated hobby?

Answer: I certainly hope so...


Skerrib said...

Oh absolutely it does. I'm mediocre at best with the crafting, so if you've got the skills and creativity (which you do), you must let them manifest.

Sandi Shipley said...

You go, Man Crafter! I think it is great that you are so artistic. I'll be seeing you at Michaels :-)