Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My first craft show….

Ok my insecurities and fear is coming alive this week because I committed to my first craft show. I know what you’re thinking….Oh that’s so great! Good for you, you’re probably so excited!....NO! I’m terrified, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never done this before….

Ok, I’m calm. I have the tables, I have the canopy, I have my cash box (which I made by the way….so cool!) I have some product….the only thing I’m missing is confidence and someone to boss me around and tell me what to do. I love being a business owner and having the freedom to do what I want but the reality now is that I am stepping into uncharted waters and I feel like a little kid on the first day of school. I have butterflies in my stomach and I’m scared.

It’s a strange reality for me. In corporate America I am the man. I can walk into a business and talk them into changing the way they do business but now I have the chance (again) to do it for myself and I am unsure about how to do it.

So what are you saying Joe? Is that what you’re thinking? Well, I’m going to whine, complain and drive my wife crazy until Saturday and then I’m going to do it and it will be great, I hope.

Even if it’s horrible the experience is what I need right…

Please I need encouraging words….

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Recent Photos

Hello Blogging friends. Market Street Co. was recently featured on for their October business of the month. Check it out on their website. Also check out their gallaries. They do amazing work and are very affordable.

Talk to you soon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Going back to my roots

Going back to my roots….when I was 10 or 11 years old I would build bird houses and sell them to the ladies at church. It was a very lucrative business. I was quite the little entrepreneur and I didn’t even realize it.

At a young age my parents moved us to the desert outside of Phoenix and there was not a lot to do. Although we moved out there with my best friend I still needed to fill the time, so my dad’s woodshop was a great way for me to pass the time. We didn’t have much money so I would build with what I could find laying around. Most of my materials were old used wood (who knew recycling and being green at that age) and the occasional rusty piece of metal. Well as it turns out those items were in high demand and I sold every birdhouse I built. At 14 I was even getting special orders.

When high school started I signed up for the woodworking class thinking it would be an easy "A" because I already knew my way around the woodshop. Boy was I wrong. I learned so much in that class, to this day I use techniques I learned. High school woodworking was such a niche for me the high school let me take the class all four years even though the maximum allowed was two. They had me be a shop supervisor and machine tuner and repair man. My junior and senior year I was king of the woodshop and I knew it.

So, going back to my roots. 15 years later and there are three birdhouses in progress in my woodshop. It’s kind of funny, I’m not sure I am as creative as I was as a boy….but I am still having a lot of fun doing what I did that got me interested in the creative woodworking thing.