Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Sewing Maching

So it’s been a while since my last post but it’s a good thing because I’ve been very busy. I do have a new topic that I needed to discuss so here I am. I just bought a sewing machine……I’m going from mancrafter to all around MANCRAFTINGSEW guy. If you are one of my guy friends and you’re reading this….well what can I say.

So, sewing machine. It’s not new but it’s new to me. I bought it at my brother’s second hand shop for a steal so I can try out sewing for a small investment. It’s funny I’ve moved from the paper and paints isle of the craft store to the stuffing, foam, batting and fabric side of the store. I now know my local craft store so well I could work there because I know where everything is.

I have good news…as I spend more and more oh and more time in the local craft store I see more men than ever before. It’s kind of refreshing. Men are in a lot of the isles I’m in. I always wonder if they see me looking at them proud of them for being in a craft store. I don’t creepy stare at them but I always try to figure out what they might be working on.

Last week I was in the Martha Stewart isle and I looked at a guy who was very into the stamps. I looked at his basket and he sheepishly looked at mine and I think we both realized we were proud of each other but the flash of embarrassment came over us and we both (at the same time) mumbled “hu” as we both scampered out of the very pastel Martha Stewart section.

We men have come a long way but we still have a long ways to go…that’s all for now.

Next post: Results of the first sewing expedition.

1 comment:

Skerrib said...

I would like to report that my mom sewed a few fun things for me as a kid...but anytime I NEEDED anything made, like a costume or outfit for honor choir or whatever, my dad did it.

You would DIG our Hobby Lobby here. It's massive. And very, uh, gender neutral.