Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My first craft show….

Ok my insecurities and fear is coming alive this week because I committed to my first craft show. I know what you’re thinking….Oh that’s so great! Good for you, you’re probably so excited!....NO! I’m terrified, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never done this before….

Ok, I’m calm. I have the tables, I have the canopy, I have my cash box (which I made by the way….so cool!) I have some product….the only thing I’m missing is confidence and someone to boss me around and tell me what to do. I love being a business owner and having the freedom to do what I want but the reality now is that I am stepping into uncharted waters and I feel like a little kid on the first day of school. I have butterflies in my stomach and I’m scared.

It’s a strange reality for me. In corporate America I am the man. I can walk into a business and talk them into changing the way they do business but now I have the chance (again) to do it for myself and I am unsure about how to do it.

So what are you saying Joe? Is that what you’re thinking? Well, I’m going to whine, complain and drive my wife crazy until Saturday and then I’m going to do it and it will be great, I hope.

Even if it’s horrible the experience is what I need right…

Please I need encouraging words….


Skerrib said...

Oh, good for you Joe! Doing something even though you're terrified...that's bravery right there.

Plus, you've got a canopy and a cash box. You're set. Hope you remembered to bring some refreshing drinks to get you thru the day.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear how your craft show went this weekend! Have you recovered yet? :)

Anonymous said...

how did it go????

Debbie said...

I know how you feel Joe. I did my first Farmers Market the beginning of October..scary..